Technical Backgrounds
Objects and elements in "vaccines" and blood |
Analyses |
Parasites in the "Vaccines"
Four different parasites were found in the "vaccines" to date (25.10.21):
1) Unidentified parasite |
2) Trypanosoma cruzi parasite |
3) Hydra vulgaris |
4) "The Thing"
bio-synthetical parasite |
1. Unidentified parasite (Pfizer)
0.5ml aqueous fraction pic of the Pfizer substance.
phase contrast microscopy at magnification of 1000x .
top left:
Symplast of Graphene Oxide.
right: unidentified parasite.
Dr. Robert O. Young, Hikari Omni Publishing, September 11th, 2021
source |
click to enlarge |
2. Trypanosoma cruzi parasite (Pfizer)
Trypanosoma Parasit, about 50 microns in length.
Known to cause 'immune deficiency syndrome'.
Carbon, oxygen, chromium, sulphur, aluminium, chloride and nitrogen
lower pic:
Blood phase contrast microscopy micrograph of Trypanosoma cruzi parasite
Dr. Robert O. Young, Hikari Omni Publishing, September 11th, 2021
source |

click to enlarge
3. Hydra vulgaris, transgenic Hydra (Moderna and Johnson & Johnson)
In early October 2021, Dr. Carrie Madej finds these living, moving creatures in two vials of "vaccines".
It seems to be the so-called 'Hydra vulgaris', from the 'phylum Cnidaria' family.
With a smaller probability it could also be 'Polypodium hydriforme'.
The 'Hydra vulgaris' is the 'immortal living being'. It continuously produces new stem cells. You can cut it into pieces and the missing parts grow back.
You can even chop it down to cell size in a kind of blender. The individual cells will reform and merge into a new organism .
Since the 'Hydra vulgaris' is immortal, it has long been the subject of DNA research with the prospect of DNA manipulation of humans leading to immortality. |

Johnson & Johnson:
News 25.10.21: New informations concerning 'transgenic Hydra' in the "vaccine".
UC Irvine News Brief: Hydra genome sequenced (2010)
QUOTE: "The team discovered Hydra to have about the same number of genes as humans, sharing many of the same ones. They also found genes linked with Huntington's disease and with the beta-amyloid plaque formation seen in Alzheimer's disease"
Generation of Transgenic Hydra by Embryo Microinjection (2014)
QUOTES: "Transgenic Hydra lines are established
by injection of plasmid DNA into embryos, which results in random integration and chimeric expression in a substantial frequency of hatchlings."
"The ability to clonally propagate transgenic Hydra
lines is an advantage over the majority of animal models, which can be propagated only by sexual reproduction."
4. "The Thing" (Pfizer)
An aluminium-based bio-synthetic "life form (?)"
The 'tentacles' of the object have different chemical compositions. We see carbon-oxygen (graphene oxide) as the main components: 'C' and 'O'.
Certain parts consist of a high proportion of aluminium (Al, lower diagram), others have a peak in bromine (Br, upper diagram) and no aluminium. |
The ends of the "tentacles" are shaped claw-like for good grip. These ends consist purely of carbon, so they are extremely hard and resistant. Carbon is around 5 times harder and stronger than steel. |
The "head" of the object (bright circle, bottom right) and the 3 tentacles in size comparison:
- head: 20 micron (u)
- tentacle: 2,5 mm
This would correspond to:
- head: 2mm
- tentacle: 2,5 Meter
The tentacles are growing. An Activation from a carbon strip used for microscopy is assumed by Dr. Zalewski.
Research: Dr. Marc Zalewski
source |
No isolation of the "SARS-COV-2" virus to be obtained
1) 125 institutions (mainly health and science institutions) in >20 countries have all failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing “SARS-COV-2” purification by anyone, anywhere, or containing proof of “its” existence.
Excel file listing of all institutions that do not have an isolated virus (last update October 26, 2021).
Web page with the list from 5.October 21, scroll down a bit.
Collected responses from health authorities and institutions (as of 29.09). pdf
No isolation of the virus was carried out according to the applicable 'Koch or Rivers postulates':
Instead, a method is used that includes the following contaminants: African green monkey kidney cells (Vero/hSLAM cells), fetal bovine serum (Bovogen) and Geneticin. Source: Australian Department of Health response.
2) Also the CDC (Center of decease control, USA) did not have a virus available that they could use to test the new PCR test (?). Excerpt from the document, page 40:
"Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed
and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA" (21.07.2021).
3)For about a year now, 1 million euros have been offered to anyone who can produce an isolated nCoV-19 virus. No one has collected the reward yet ... Author of the bet Samuel Eckert. Here is a short report from Principia-scientific.
4) Dr Derek Knauss and his colleagues from 7 universities are suing the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for massive fraud.
After testing 1,500 samples from people who had tested "positive" for the CCP virus [COVID-19], these scientists found that ALL samples showed signs of influenza A and influenza B, which had already been detected in other cases, but no COVID-19
Myocarditis as a side effect of "vaccination"
Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) is a collective term for inflammatory diseases of the heart muscle.
However, myocarditis can also trigger life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias and lead to sudden cardiac death. 2 out of 10 people die within 5 years, 5 within 5 years.
Acute myocarditis can progress to dilated cardiomyopathy, with a 60% chance of dying within 5 years.
According to a new Harvard study, the cases reported to VAERS are about 1% of the actual numbers. Quote: "Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported (page 6)".
Figure 1. Time series plots – all VAERS reports in association with all vaccines administered to the U.S. population by year (left) and VAERS reports in association with COVID-19 products for 2021 (right). |
Figure 6. Bar plot showing Myocarditis cases reported in VAERS by year. *2021: up to and including July 9th, 2021. |
Figure 3. Histogram showing the number of reported VAERS cases of myocarditis by age group. |
Figure 4. Histogram showing Myocarditis cases reported in VAERS following injection with COVID-19 products according to age and gender. |
Figure 5. Histogram showing Myocarditis cases reported in VAERS following injection with COVID-19 products according to age and dose. |
Complete study by Jessica Rose PhD, MSc, BSc and Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH:
A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products
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Graphene Oxide (GO)
Also 'Graphene', 'reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO)', Nano Carbon (NC).
"2-dimensional" atomic structure of hexagonally arranged carbon atoms.
1 atom thickness to approx. 50 atoms thickness (sheets).
..................................Whether "vaccinated" or in the panties, always light thanks to GRAPHEN! :)
Two pictures from an underground nano-carbon research bunker of the company IBM.
We see in the left image the graphic of 5 hexagonal graphene structures, labelled carbon.
Visible on the same display, and thus related to the graphene, are:
- Haemoglobin (blood - iron core)
- Chlorophyll ("blood" of plants - magnesium core)
- A frequency (top right) of 2 to 7 Hz (8 Hz = Schumann resonance of the earth / theta - alpha brain waves).
- The carbon graphic is additionally labelled with PENTACENE:
Pentacene leads to --> 'Organic semiconductors' (Wikipedia):
.........."5 Materials in Organic semiconductor, no.5 = Aromatic short peptides self-assemblies"
'Aromatic short peptides self-assemblies' leads to --> 'Self assembly of short aromatic peptides into amyloid fibrils and related nanostructures':
.........."Amyloid fibrils is the hallmark of more than twenty human disorders"
.........."A very interesting point is that fibrils of different origins (e.g., from the brain of Alzheimer's disease patients and the pancreas of individuals affected with Type II diabetes) show remarkable biophysical and ultrastructural properties as described above..."
Amyloid --> 894107300_covid19-rna-based-vaccines-and-the-risk-of-prion-disease-15032.pdf
Prion disease:
"Prions are infected proteins - Prions are infected proteins - when these accumulate in the brain tissue, they can cause cognitive drop-outs up to a complete loss of cognition of the environment. There is no cure for this disease - every case is fatal"
"Creutzfeldt-Jakob-disease is a rare, rapidly progressive brain disease, that is always fatal."
"Zombie-deer disease is a prion disease that causes proteins in the brain and spinal cord to fold abnormally, causing the animal to behave like a zombie."
Graphene Antennas in Nano Size

Picture: Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication, "Nanoscale antennas the future of telecommunications". This is called a 'J-pole' nano antenna.
Quote: "Amplification of radiation from a single photon emitter, critical components in secure optical telecommunications systems and novel biosensor systems".
Object in the BioN-tech "vaccine". On the left the original image from the microscopy, on the right with the approximate contour, outlined in blue. The shape, with a kind of slit in the middle, reminds me of 'H'-shaped antennas in their various designs. Seen here in an old techology from 2015 for the THz (Tera Hertz) range of frequencies, or also here.
Growing nano structures in "vaccine"
An 11 minute process ...

The pictures you can see in the left column are screenshots from this video.
The video shows in real time how the "vaccine" changes in a time span of 11 minutes. A standard microscope with 28x8 magnification was used. The light source produces a temperature of 30° C.
Nothing was cut or changed.

If one has looked around a bit in nano technology, it is obvious to say it is 'self-assembling nano tubes'.
If we simply observe what we see, it is this:
We see many individual, very small dots that move by themselves.
These dots connect themselves to form a network, chains of dots, which are connected to each other and enclose empty spaces.
Then a clouding of the material takes place.
From this turbidity, large crystalline structures grow within a minute, all of which consist of 90° angles and form a large-scale, fractal lattice structure.
Is it important to know what name a psychopathic scientist has given to this self-growing network, or is it enough to state that such an artificially growing network has no place in a human being? I think so ...

Figure 10 to 11 . After contact of the Darpa Hydrogel with organic fluids ( e.g., saliva), within a few minute s they begin to form rectangular crystal structures . These gradually grow in a fractal manner .

Figure 12 . Result of crystallization after 24 hours.

Figure 13 . These Darpa Hydrogel Crystals create a 3D spatial structure and grow through the tissues.
The nano structures that have also grown, seen on the left, look almost identical to those growing in the vaccine in the video above.
These images were obtained by analysing the test sticks used in the PCR test, which are inserted deep into the nose.
A team of doctors at a hospital in Bratislava, Slovakia, documented that the fibres of the test sticks are hollow (DARPA patent) and contain hydrogel and lithium.
By moving and twisting the sticks in the nose, the tips break off and release the hydrogel and lithium, which are deposited deep in the nose, close to the blood-brain barrier.
Within 24h, on contact with body fluid, the network structures seen on the left also grow here.
These grow according to the observation along the magnetic field, which means in the body towards the pineal gland.
The pineal gland is located in the centre of the brain and has special significance for the higher faculties of consciousness such as the sensation of the oneness of totality.
According to Keshe Plasma Technology, the centre of the brain is the seat of the human soul.
It is also directly related to the 'awakening' of consciousness to 5D, as coincidentally Dr.Dieter Broers also illustrated again a few days ago (07.11.21) in a 3 part series on the pineal gland. Part-1, Part-2, Part-3
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Cell material from aborted human fetuses in the "vaccine"
A few weeks ago (07.10.21) a Pfizer employee published internal documents showing that cells from human fetuses are present in the "vaccine". The leak video can be found in my Video Archive, or right here.
A few months ago, on the older version of this webpage, I made the following analysis of the labelling of the AstraZeneca "vaccine", which came to the same conclusion.

Underlined in red in the pic above, the line 'ChAdOx1 recombinant' is broken down in the following:
ChAdOx1: |
Source: Research Square
" We used direct RNA sequencing ... nCoV-19 genome in human MRC-5 ... (look below 'MRC-5') |
Recombinant DNA: |
Source: Wikipedia
"Recombinant DNA ( rDNA ) molecules are DNA molecules formed by laboratory methods of genetic recombination (such as molecular cloning) that bring together genetic material from multiple sources, creating sequences that would not otherwise be found in the genome .
Recombinant DNA is the general name for a piece of DNA that has been created by combining at least two fragments from two different sources."
Recombinant DNA molecules are sometimes called chimeric DNA , because they can be made of material from two different species, like the mythical chimera . |
MRC-5 |
Source: Wikipedia
"MRC-5 ( Medical Research Council cell strain 5) is a diploid cell culture line composed of fibroblasts , originally developed from the lung tissue of a 14-week-old aborted Caucasian male fetus."
"The cell line was isolated by J.P. Jacobs and colleagues in September 1966 (!!) " |
If by definition RECOMBINANT means: "genetic recombination (such as molecular cloning) ... that merges genetic material from multiple sources", we have so far the following possible sources that can turn human DNA into a chimera:
- 4 possible parasites
- The MRC-5 fetus from 1966
- Is there more to come?
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Spiritual Backgrounds
On the "hypnosis" of the masses
- Possible resulting Causes
One can hear from almost everyone who has more or less insight into the manipulation attempt on humanity, "how is that possible?". "Why are so many people not able to see what is going on?". "People are like in a trance, in hypnosis". "They are not receptive to facts, data, images, etc. and not capable of logical thinking" in the context of the virus or mRNA "vaccination".
I would like to give some clues as to how this is possible and what causes it.
As is usually the case, there are multiple causes. Some may act together in a particular individual, or a single cause may be decisive.
There are fundamental, basic causes from which the many possible causes can develop:
Fundamental Cause:
The, or a fundamental cause, is rooted in the fact that most humans lack their own, greater understanding of themselves or their lives. The question of 'who am I, why am I' doesn't even need to be answered thereby. It already fails in the approach of wanting to deal with it. A possible answer to these elementary questions is secondary, what is significant are the experiences made on this journey, in the search for deeper insights. The commitment of the mind, the dedication of time and energy to explore the invisible behind the shallow. The reward for this, or rather the effect of the created cause, is granted to everyone who pursues this journey. We also receive answers to the questions, answers that are appropriate to the consciousness of the questioner and expand accordingly to the evolving consciousness.
"Know thyself, and thou shalt know God" is not just a saying at the entrance to the Oracle of Delphi.
The answers and the journeys are very individual, which is as it has to be, because everyone follows an entirely unique journey, just as his or her consciousness is unique. Again, there is not one true answer, nor one true journey. Nevertheless, all these truths and journeys, or most of them, contain a sufficient amount of truth which over time expands to create a foundation for one's own being on which the matter occurrences may find their appropriate space.
Without such a foundation, the doors way open to all kinds of manipulations and misinterpretations, gullibility and laziness in one's own thinking.
The following is dealing with the gateways in the case of an absence of foundation ...
How the vulnerabilities described below are exploited by governments/military on a scientific basis is explained in detail in the NATO document 'Cognitive Warfare'.
Here is my page on this subject. |
Possible resulting Causes:
We all know that fear is a bad advisor. It overrides logical thinking and triggers the 'fight or flight' instinct of prehistoric human experiences.
People without a foundation may be so afraid of a virus, if we assume it exists, that any measure is accepted without thinking, especially when propagated as 'the only way out'.
Fear is often irrational too, it is an emotion. We are slaves to the emotions if we have no foundation.
A not too small share of the people who have been "vaccinated" will be motivated by fear, or rather by deliberately induced fear-mongering from the media and governments. The fact that all logic was lost in the process is already proven by a single paper, but there are thousands of these "papers" and informations:
These are figures from Stanford University, September 2021.
The risk of death after infection is 0.03% in the middle!
You have a bigger chance of being hit by a falling flowerpot on the pavement.
As early as end of 2020, it could be seen and even read in the newspaper that during the ' Corona Year 2020' there was an under-mortality compared to 2018/2019!
The fear as well as the faith in the false prophets has eliminated any thinking function and logic when we consider the many "oddities" that come along with the magic bullet "mRNA vaccine". |
Fear makes humans flight when they cannot or do not want to fight. The fear was fuelled by daily bombardment of case numbers and images that were purely artificially created or shown in a falsified context. The flight was advertised as the only way, i.e. to get "vaccinated". The sheep follow to the slaughter in the absence of foundation.
I have understanding for the feeling of fear, even for irrationally felt fear. I am merely pointing out consequences and the cause, the absence of foundation.
Materialists and 'the easy way'
By that I refer to the reaction of humans to surrender to imposed pressure and threatened reprisals.
Pressure and reprisals are imposed by governments and implemented by the police by means of monopoly of force.
Businesses and companies perceive it as their "duty" to implement the directives and to pass on the pressure to their employees or visitors.
The materialist who in his life has nothing else than these matter activities is an easy victim for this manipulation.
He finds his confirmation that he is Something, for example, in his job by using the correct handling and terminology every day and so he keeps repeating it for the next 40 years. Because when that is gone, what else is he? In his perception, 'nothing', because there is no foundation.
In what does he find joy or lust when the club is no longer open to him or he cannot compensate his dull life with 14 days in Mallorca because he is no longer allowed to board a plane? In his perception, 'nothing', because there is no foundation.
He is told by government and media "it's so easy, you just need one 'shot'! Then I will give you back your little matter freedom if you do what I want!"
Simple is the key word here. Or as I wrote in the 'new Cosmology':
"The struggle for the light and positive is always connected with more effort, work, voluntary sacrifice, etc. The dark, destructive is the 'easy way'.
The path of the negative and destructive goes downwards, it virtually follows gravity by itself. One gets along faster, has a tailwind, or more appropriately speaking, one follows a pull. The fulfilment of lower personal desires and goals is easy and characterised by quick results
." |
The priorities of these humans in their activities and preferences rest on 'quick, easy, productivity, earnings, results, prestige, possession'.
I have understanding for these qualities and some are also part of my life. I am happy about the simplicity of using an M5 screw and not having to produce it, even though I have already cut my own threads. None of the properties mentioned must be negative per se. It depends on the context and the priority. I am merely pointing out consequences and the cause, the absence of foundationt.
Man, the social herd animal (?)
In our DNA, in our collective consciousness, are stored all the experiences we have gathered from the beginning of humanity. Not particular situations are conscious to us, but conditionings that have ensured survival over long periods of time. 'Fight or flight', for example, has long been a good consideration when facing the sabre-tooth tiger, or perhaps it would still be worth considering.
Likewise, it is burned into collective consciousness that survival is only possible in a social environment, a clan, a tribe, a village. Humans have learned that it is necessary to integrate into their clan in order not to be outcast and thus not to be able to survive.
This predisposition, still present in us mostly unconsciously and controlling our words and actions, can and is used against us in multifarious ways.
It is about 'conforming' to the clan, to the surrounding society. Not to scandalise, not to be different, out of the mostly unconscious fear of being excluded. These humans think it is better to deny oneself, to deny one's own truths and view of one's own reality than to say or do something different from the mass.
It is the phenomenon of 'the emperor who wears no clothes' and no one really notices it because it can not be. It requires the little child in the story who, free of such thoughts, shouts out his truth "the emperor is not wearing any clothes!" so that others dare to join this truth, which even before might have been their own truth.
This classic experiment from the field of psychology, 'the Asch Experiment', illustrates this concept very impressively. Herd mentality of humans with no foundation:
The man seen in the picture is the 'test subject'. All the others are privy to the experiment. |
If you now think, that certainly won't happen to me, then maybe you're right. I think the 'test subject' as well would have said the same. In the current situation of the acceptance of experimental DNA therapy ("vaccination"), there were many who decided out of this herd behaviour to get in line, "everyone is doing it this way".
No, not all, not those who have a foundation. This foundation can also simply be the understanding of a natural life, in harmony with nature. Or to know, for example, 'there is the One (Self) and the All, and these are not two but one'. There is no place for a herd in this foundation and one is not one of the 1000 sheep.
Gullibility and dumbing down
The fact that I combine gullibility and dumbing down in one chapter does not mean that a gullible person is stupid. I mention the two terms jointly because a systematic willful dumbing down of, let's say, 2 generations, coupled with the individual's good faith, produces a compliant human tool for psychopaths.
- Dumbing down
This process is occurring in all 3 realms of the human, through body, feelings and the spirit.
- In the realm of the body, there has been implemented the modified and fabricated alimentation. Here only fluorine as a neurotoxin is getting a mention, which is used in Guantanamo for sedation and lack of willpower of the prisoners. Also the drinking water, artificial drinks and every possible area of bodily absorption is abused. This also includes the air (chemtrails) and the skin surface (creams etc.).
- The realm of feeling is on the one hand being affected by the aforementioned modified physical condition. Then again on the other hand by the offer to quickly and easily get strong emotional, albeit shallow, sensations. There is nothing to be said against this, however, as long as there is the foundation which can enjoy these sensations as components of the illusion, at will. But if the satisfaction of the realm of feeling exclusively consists of these shallow, illusionary experiences, it becomes the purpose of life and the seeking spirit crystallises into 'thumbs up', clicks, movies, Advertising stimulation, kittens and puppies.
- The realm of spirit is the primary target of manipulation. Here, of course, it is the state-imposed path that the individual has to follow in order to be allowed to survive in the 'imparted perspective' later on. Be it called dumbing down of the awake spirit of children through indoctrination and behavioural control in schools starting from toddler age and the continuations of this at universities and in apprenticeship companies.
Knowledge is a great thing, every interest shall be enriched by knowledge if desired.
The way this happens and what is being transmitted, however, has quite different backgrounds and purposes.
Children are getting accustomed to it and it then continues as customary in that only accurate replication of predefined truths is 'good' and will be rewarded. It is predetermined what they have to do and in in which time frame. A questioning of the truths is not desired, an animating of own thoughts does not take place or only within predefined limits. It is the programming to become a recipient of orders who is getting accustomed to do what the "authority" mandates. Just as you would train a dog by reward and punishment.
You little humans are too stupid to think for yourselves, that's why there are professionals and one-track specialists, is the purport. The "authorities" in white coats or with ties are the ones who proclaim the truth! May the PhD be my witness! See further below what type of people the authorities are compiled of ...
The whole "career path" follows the same principle, also via military service or via a job where one is supposed to do exactly what is predetermined, mostly without knowledge of the bigger context, but as an "empty one-track specialist" filled with a trained specific vocabulary.
This is the type of dumbing down I am referring to. Do you recognise in this behaviour, trained since infancy, the reaction of humans who are now doing what the authority says? Then there's reward and you are good. Otherwise you are bad and reprisals await you! Yes, Mr. Teacher, yes, Mr. Sturmbandführer, yes, Mr. Berset ... What's wrong with you? Wake up!
- Gullibility
I act in good faith. Or 'I believe in the good'. Both would be desirable qualities.
It then turns into something harmful when what one has faith in is not good and one has been deceived.
You think to yourself, ok, I have a few quirks but I'm quite a kind person, certainly not evil.
All my friends and family are not evil either.
There are a few who sometime do bad things and then go to jail.
People who sit in governments only want what is best for us, they too are certainly not evil ... I suppose.
People who are getting rich from human's illness through pharmaceutical means surely only want to help us to stay healthy ... I supposen.
Common sense would actually see it that way and be right about it. We should all be able to think like that, at all times. Unfortunately, we cannot consider what we do not know ourselves.
We don't know any real psychopaths!
Psychopath (english Wikipedia)
The following exerpts are translated from the german Wikipedia page, which offers some astonishing quotes:
"The counterpart to criminal psychopaths is represented by the group of highly functional "successful psychopaths. [2] Although psychopathy has a low prevalence in the general population, people with this personality disorder are overrepresented not only in prisons but also in higher hierarchical levels, about sixfold in leadership positions: [23]" "According to Dutton, the occupational fields with the highest proportions of psychopaths are: [23] [24] Management , judicature (judges, judicial officers), media (television/radio), sales, surgery. In contrast, the fewest psychopaths are found in social and caring professions, as these involve little power and require adequate handling of feelings."
"Psychopathy today refers to a severe personality disorder, that is associated with the extensive or complete absence of empathy, social responsibility and conscience in those affected. Psychopaths are sometimes charming at first sight, they know how to establish superficial relationships. At the same time, they can be very manipulative in order to achieve their goals. [1] [2] "
„[They] don't rob banks, they become bank executives.“
– Robert D. Hare (founder of psychopathy research)
„They are not violent [...] But the damage they do to our society is immense.“
– Niels Birbaumer (neurobiologist) [23] |
Even though we may not know any psychopaths, at least now we know they exist!
Humans without conscience and empathy, hungry for power and dominance, and six times more often represented in the above-mentioned professions. Does that ring a bell?
Why do people with this personality disorder end up in these positions? They are selected for this reason. Because they are supposed to deal with what a healthy human would not do.
To imagine that, is what many humans have problems with, and that's actually a good sign.
But those psychopaths tell them the experimental gene therapy is safe and are manufacturing the stuff themselves.
They then have their executive organs, which are mostly just puppets that have been trained (--> dumbing down/spirit) to simply do what they are instructed to, in return for a reward. Otherwise there is punishment.
The same applies to the governments and the control centrals of the media.
Yes, I think that's a shame too, but if humans don't build a foundation from which they have perspective and distance to see that, and want to see this, then one has to go through that. Together.
There may be several more gateways when the foundation is missing, but for me these are the most common ones.
As we can see from this current situation statistically, about 40% of the humans have some kind of foundation that protects them from manipulation and sustains their human life.
As now presumably soon also children are supposed to be "vaccinated" who not even had the chance to acquire a foundation and make a free decision, this number will probably decrease even more.
Everyone has/had their free will to decide. Everyone has done so according to their consciousness, thus there is no 'wrong'. Our thoughts, words and actions/non-actions determine the reality we live in. Either in this or that way.
Anyone who has read Goethe's Faust knows that if one sells one's soul to the devil in faith of gaining an easily attainable advantage, one will quickly see in one's naivety that everything was mere manipulation and pure illusion, and one "pays".
Stay strong, stay true to your foundation, nothing can move your Fudô-Shin spirit ! Do not succumb to temptations, we are on the home straight, for soon the whole framework of lies will explode for all to see. We are united, we are ONE!
OM - HA !
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