Endgame 2021/2022

Quellen / Source





VIRUS Bereich:

Patent Richard A. Rothschild: SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR TESTING FOR COVID-19. 2015/2020, Überwachung von Körperfunktionen durch Biometrie und Smartphone.
Monitoring of bodily functions through biometrics and smartphones.

Patent US10130701: Modifizieres (modified) Corona Virus. 2018, The Pirbright Institute, finanziert von (financed by) B.Gates.

Verbindung von Covid-19 mit Mikrowellen. Sudie des 'Institute for Frontier Science'.
Connection of Covid-19 with microwaves. Study of the 'Institute for Frontier Science'.

Corona Virus induziert durch 5G Technologie. Studie von Nuclear radiation Physics Rome/Medical University, Moskow etc.
Corona virus induced by 5G technology. Study by Nuclear radiation Physics Rome/Medical University, Moskow etc.

COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease. Studie J. Bart Classen, MD, Immunotherapies.

The S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood–brain barrier. 2021, Neuroscience scientific paper

Infection of human sweat glands by SARS-CoV-2. 2020, China

The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade. 2020, Universitäten Frankreich und Canada. 'Gain of Function' (GoF) Nachweis, -> man made Virus (?).

DRASTIC Research. Project DEFUSE DARPA - PREEMPT (HR001118S0017). 2021, leaked documents describing bat research proposed by EcoHealth Alliance. D.R.A.S.T.I.C research team.



"IMPFMITTEL" (mRNA) Bereich:
Vaccines (mRNA):

(12.03.22) Jetzt veröffentlichtes PFIZER Dokument mit 10 Seiten von Nebenwirkungen, inkl. der Löschung des 1p36 Chrosom im Menschen. Dokument / Mein news Beitrag
Now published PFIZER document with 10 pages of side effects, including deletion of the 1p36 chrosome in humans. Document / My news contribution

(12.03.22) Peer reviewed Studie aus Schweden beweist, dass die mRNA Information durch 'reverse transcription (RT)' im Nukleus zu DNA umgewandelt wird.
Peer reviewed study from Sweden proves that mRNA information is converted to DNA by 'reverse transcription (RT)' in the nucleus.

(21.11.21) Studie: SARS-CoV-2-RNA rücktranskribiert und in das menschliche Genom integriert. html (Bilder)
Study: SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome. html (pics)

(21.11.21) Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (IPAK), NZ: "Die Studie zeigt, dass mindestens 81,9 % (≥ 104/127) einen Spontanabort nach mRNA-Exposition vor 20 Wochen hatten und 92,3 % (96/104) der Spontanabbrüche traten vor der 13. Schwangerschaftswoche ein". PDF, Seite 131
Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (IPAK), NZ: The study indicates that at least 81.9% (≥ 104/127) experienced spontaneous abortion following mRNA exposure before 20 weeks, and 92.3% (96/104) of spontaneous abortions occurred before 13 weeks’ gestation". PDF, page 131

(21.11.21) Studie von Jessica Rose und Peter A. McCullough: 'Ein Bericht über unerwünschte Myokarditis-Ereignisse im U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Verbindung mit COVID-19 injizierbaren biologischen Produkten'
A study by Jessica Rose and Peter A. McCullough: 'A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products'

251-fache virale Last in "geimpften" Personen. Studie Universität Oxford mit Vietnam.
251-fold viral load in "vaccinated" individuals. Oxford University study with Vietnam.

Studie: COVID19-Impfung in der Gesamtbevölkerung erhöht Gesamtsterblichkeit von Kindern im Alter von 0-14 Jahren (die zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht geimpft sind).
Study: COVID19 vaccination in the general population increases total mortality of children aged 0-14 yrs (who are not vaccinated at this time). Link

England: Vaccine Surveillance Report. "Geimpfte" verlieren ihr Körper Immunsystem. AIDS ähnlich. Doktor Analyse.
England: Vaccine Surveillance Report. "Vaccinated" lose their body immune system. AIDS-like. Doctors analysis.

Stockholm University: Das Spike-Protein (Impfstoff) hemmt die Reparatur von DNA-Schäden erheblich. pdf
Stockholm University: The spike protein (vaccine) significantly inhibits the repair of DNA damage. pdf

Covid-19 Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial The BMJ.pdf

Updated Mikroskopie Astra-Zeneca, Biontech-Pfizer and Johnson&Johnson. 2021, Dr. Robert Young

Postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. 2021, International Journal of Infectious Diseases. Spike Protein in allen Organen

Dr.Wodarg/Yeadon Petition an das Committee for human medicinal products (CHMP). 2020, Stoppung der Zulassung für mRNA "Impstoff". Ignoriert. 2020, Stop approval for mRNA "vaccine". Ignored.

Netzwerkanalyse-Corona-Komplex (Network Analysis Corona Complex). 2021, Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, WHO, GAVI and other NGOs and Big Pharma...

SALUS (AI) Analyse der Wirksamkeit von mRNA "Vaccines". 2021, huMETRIX
SALUS (AI) Analysis of the efficacy of mRNA "vaccines". 2021, huMETRIX

Shedding of Infectious SARS-CoV-2 Despite Vaccination. 2021, Department of Pathobiological Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison etc.

Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology. 2012, "However,
challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to
SARS-CoV components was induced. Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated"

Pathologie-Konferenz: Todesursache nach COVID-19-Impfung. 2021, Reutlingen. Video Teil 1 / Teil 2
Pathology conference: Cause of death after COVID-19 vaccination. 2021, Reutlingen. Video Part 1 / Part 2



GRAPHEN (Nano Carbon, Graphen Oxyd) Bereich:

Design of Wireless Nanosensor Networks for Intrabody Application. USA/Korea 2015

Porous Graphene Microflowers for High-Performance Microwave Absorption (5,59GHz). China 2017

Nano coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking graphene oxide as carrier. 2020, Shanghai National Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology.

Analysis of PCR-test swabs reveals DARPA Hydrogel and Lithium payload.

Physiological saline containing graphene dispersion and corona virus vaccine using the same. 2020, Korea

Graphene oxide prevents lateral amygdala dysfunctional synaptic plasticity and reverts long lasting anxiety behavior in rats. 2021, Neuron Labs Italy, Spain, Brazil, UK

PRIONS. Self Assembly of Short Aromatic Peptides into Amyloid Fibrils and Related Nanostructures. 2007, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology; Faculty of Life Sciences; Tel Aviv University

Organic semiconductor. Siehe Abschnitt (see section): 'Aromatic short peptides self-assemblies'

Graphene oxide touches blood: in vivo interactions of bio-coronated 2D materials. 2018, Researchgate.net

Forschungsteam demonstriert Steuermechanismus für Graphen. 2021, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR).
Research team demonstrates control mechanism for graphene. 2021, German Aerospace Center (DLR)




NATO - Studie: 'Kognitive Kriegsführung'. Die Mechanismen der Manipulation an der Masse offen dargelegt. ""Das Ziel ist nicht das anzugreifen, was das Individuum denkt sondern vielmehr die Art und Weise, WIE es denkt"
NATO - Study: 'Cognitive Warfare'. The mechanisms of manipulation of the masses laid out openly. "The aim is not to attack what the individual thinks but rather HOW he thinks".

Event 201. 10.2019, Simulation eines neuen Corona Virus Ausbruchs (simulation of a new corona virus outbreak). The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. File 2

(23.11.21) Concentration camps now being put to use in Australia for positive tested and close contacts. Video

Rockefeller (Zukunfts) Report 2010: Operation LOCKSTEP.

The Dark Winter Scenario and Bioterrorism. 2001, USA

Kissinger Report (confidential 1974). Depopulations Strategien: "... high priority in allocation of funds
should be given to programs in other sectors that contribute in a cost-effective manner in
reduction in population growth."

Microsoft Patent 'WO 2020060606 A1': CRYPTOCURRENCY (mining) SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA. 2019, Körper Chips (Sensoren) wandeln Körper Aktivität in digitale Währung um. Siehe 'Internet of Bodies (IoB)', World Economic Forum (WeF).
2019, Body chips (sensors) convert body activity into digital currency. See 'Internet of Bodies (IoB)', World Economic Forum (WeF).

Ecoscience: Population, Rohstoffe, Umwelt (1977). Kompendium und Depopulations Vorschläge.
Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment (1977). Compendium and Depopulations Proposals.


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Mikroskopie (Phänomene im Blut nach "Impfung" und Analyse der Impfstoffe selbst)

  • Französische Wissenschaftler staunen über Funde im Blut (Graphene etc.)
    French scientists amazed at findings in blood
  • (12.11.21) Wachsende Nano Strukturen im "Impfstoff" brauchen 11min. bis zur fraktalen Gitterstruktur. Link
    Growing nano structures in the "vaccine" just need 11min to reach fractal lattice structure. Link
  • (30.10.21) Video Aufnahmen von "Objekten (?)" im Pfizer "Impfstoff" aus Holland.
    New Footage of "Objects" in Pfizer "Vaccine" from Holland.
  • Dr.Carrie Madej findet Parasit Nr.3, evt. Hydra vulgaris, zweites Interview dazu.
    (25.10.21) Neue Informationen zur 'transgenic Hydra' im "Impfstoff". Siehe auch Hintergründe
    Hydra, Familie der 'phylum Cnidaria'. Biologie Video.
    Dr.Carrie Madej finds parasite no.3, possibly Hydra vulgaris, second interview on this.
    25.10.21: New information on the 'transgenic Hydra' in the "vaccine". See also background
    , family of the 'phylum Cnidaria'. Biology Video.
  • Dr. Zandre Botha: Rouleau Effekt, Nano Strukturen und 'micro bubbels' Verteil System
    Rouleau effect, nano structures and 'micro bubbles' distribution system
  • Dr. Eric Enby: 50 Jahre Erfahrung mit Blutuntersuchung, nie gesehene Dinge im "Impfmittel"
    Dr. Eric Enby: 50 years of experience with blood testing, never seen things in the "vaccine".



Graphen (Graphen Oxyd (GO), reduced Graphen Oxyde (rGO), Nano Carbon)

  • (21.11.21) Wachsende Nano Strukturen in "Impfstoff" und im Stäbchen des PCR-Tests. Link
    Growing nano structures in "vaccine" and in the sticks of the PCR test. Link
  • (23.11.21) Graphen in Antibiotika (auch in anderen Medikamenten und Nahrungsmitteln). Link
    Graphene in antibiotics (also in other drugs and food). Link
  • 'Grapheal' - Digitaler Graphen basierter digitaler "gesundheits" Pass mit Biometrie
    Digital graph-based digital "health" passport with biometrics
  • 'Luciferase' - Bioluminescence (biologisches Leuchten), Lipid SM-102 und Nano Strukturen
    • Pfizer whistle blower Melissa Strickler über Luciferase SM-102 in "Impfmittel" und Erwähnung der 'CripR Cas-9 Technologie' (29'30")!
      Bioluminescence (biological glow), lipid SM-102 and nano structures Pfizer whistle blower Melissa Strickler on luciferase SM-102 in "vaccines" and mention of 'CripR Cas-9 technology' (29'30")!
  • Nanobots und DNA (mRNA), Steuerung durch Frequenzen, DARPA (Tech Übersicht).
    Nanobots and DNA (mRNA), control by frequencies, DARPA (Tech Overview)



DNA Veränderung durch mRNA (Transfection)
DNA modification by mRNA (transfection)

  • (24.03.22) Peer reviewed study (pdf) from Sweden: Pfizer Vaccine Becomes DNA in Liver Cells (Video)
  • Mehrere Bereiche kurz angedeutet, mit Ausschnitten von B.Gates, E.Musk etc.
    Several areas briefly hinted at, with clips of B.Gates, E.Musk etc.
  • (21.11.21) Dr.Shankara Chetty erklärt in einfachen Worten die Strategie des Genozids durch das Einbringen des spike Proteins in den Körper . Video
    Dr.Shankara Chetty explains in simple terms the strategy of genocide by introducing the spike protein into the body . Video
  • (21.11.21) Obwohl aus der Wirkungsweise der mRNA und Vector "Impfmittel" klar ersichtlich ist, dass es sich um eine 'Gen Therapie' handelt, behaupten sogeannte Wissenschaftler und Ärzte oft das Gegenteil. Dieses 30 sek. statement des Bayer Pharmaceuticals Präsidenten Stefan Oelrich stellt es klar.
    Although it is clear from the way the mRNA and Vector "vaccines" work that they are a 'gene therapy', so-called scientists and doctors often claim the opposite. This 30 sec. statement by Bayer Pharmaceuticals President Stefan Oelrich makes it clear.
  • CRISPR Gene-editing Methode in mRNA "Impfmittel". Verwendetes Modul: CAS-9 . Video 2
    CRISPR gene-editing method in mRNA "inoculant". Module used: CAS-9 . Video 2
  • Professor Charles Morgan doziert über Manipulation von Bewusstsein, Übernahme des Körpers durch entfernte 'Systeme' und DNA Umprogrammierung durch Gen Manipulation mittels CRISPR Technologie
    Professor Charles Morgan lectures on manipulation of consciousness, takeover of the body by remote 'systems' and DNA reprogramming through gene manipulation using CRISPR technology.
  • Genetisch modifizierter Mensch ist Eigentum des Patent Halters der Technologie (Genetisch Modifizierter human Organismus, GMhO)
    Genetically modified humans are the property of the patent holder of the technology (Genetically Modified Human Organism, GMhO).



Pfizer / Johnson & Johnson Mitarbeiter:

Leak 1: 21.09.21 - Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Secret Recordings "Vaccine is Full of Sh*t"

Leak 2: 23.09.21 - FDA Official 'Blow Dart African Americans' & Wants 'Nazi Germany Registry' for Unvaccinated

Leak 3: 28.09.21: - Johnson & Johnson: 'Kids Shouldn't Get A F*cking [COVID] Vaccine;' There are "Unknown Repercussions"

Leak 4: 05.10.21 - Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your [COVID] Antibodies Are Better Than The [Pfizer] Vaccination.'

Leak 5: 07.10.21 - Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails: ‘We Want to Avoid Having Info on Fetal Cells Out There'. Mehr dazu auf meiner 'Hintergründe' Seite.

14.10.21: - Pfizer whistleblower says: Vaccine 'glows,' contains toxic luciferase, graphene oxide compounds
(Bei 29'07" erste Bestätigung meiner Annahme, dass eine DNA Veränderung durch die 'CRISPR' Technologie stattfindet, mit dem Modul 'CAS-9'.) Video 2 zu CRISPR.
At 29'07" first confirmation of my assumption that DNA modification is taking place through 'CRISPR' technology, with the module 'CAS-9'). Video 2 on CRISPR.


Andere "Impfstoff" leaks:

  • (12.10.21) Citizen Journalist Secretly Films 20 Year Pfizer Contractor on Covid Vax "Skeptical of the Science"
  • (03.11.21) British Medical Journal ( BMJ ) Report: Brook Jackson, eine ausgebildete Auditorin für klinische Prüfungen, seit 15 Jahren in diesem Bereich tätig, meldet der FDA untragbare Zustände während der stage-3 Sudien zum Pfizer "Impfstoff" und wird am selben Tag entlassen. Hier ihre Schilderung über die Zustände.
    British Medical Journal ( BMJ ) Report: Brook Jackson, a trained clinical trial auditor who has worked in the field for 15 years, reports unacceptable conditions to the FDA during the stage-3 trials of the Pfizer "vaccine" and is fired the same day. Here is her report on the conditions.



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