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  Viruses, understood plasmatically Technical background
  Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) 'Cup of Man' (Cup-3) new
  Causes analysis, probabilities  
  About the beautiful things of this time  

Viruses, understood plasmatically


Viruses were always specifically mentioned in the plasma technology of the 'Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute' because we are confronted with strong, unknown viruses outside of the earth's magnetic field and in deep space. However, bacteria and parasites do not occur.
How viruses are dealt with is of great importance in the health area of the Keshe foundation.

A virus is an 'energy packet' or a plasma entity. Other plasma entities are, for example, man, an animal, a tree, a planet, etc. A plasma entity can have field strengths that extend down to the physical area, or only exist as a self-sustaining plasma field without physical manifestation. This depends on the bandwidth of the field strengths of the plasma entity.
Like any plasma, the virus has a gravitational force and a magnetical force. Attracting the first, receiving, repelling and giving the second. If the virus has found a cell with a sufficiently similar plasmatic field strength of the amino acid, it connects to this cell because this is a pleasant, suitable environment. Especially since the human cell has a higher energy level than the virus. Thus, the stronger reactor (mag) feeds the weaker (grav) according to the plasmatic laws. The cell becomes weaker and the virus is preserved. But since both forces are always in action, even if one is mostly in the foreground, the human cell also receives fields from the virus, which are also not beneficial to the cell.
This process is similar to what mankind has been doing with the plasma entity Earth since the beginning of industrialization. We take masses of metals, oil, coal, etc. from this entity and give them unwanted, poisening substances and radiation. Just as most people are not aware of this, the virus is not aware that its self-preservation entails the destruction of another plasma entity.

In plasma science, as in the universe outside of our somewhat 'special' planet, there is no 'against, fight and destroy'. You work together, give and receive, depending on the situation and environment.
In the case of the corona virus, for example, we offer the plasma entity an alternative plasmatic field to the human cell, which must be similar enough so that the virus can connect to it. It is now crucial that the energy level of the plasma field strength offered is lower than the energy level of the virus ! Because the plasma flow between two reactors (entities) mainly takes place from the stronger to the weaker one, although there is always a reverse connection as mentioned above.
Instead of continuing to withdraw energy (grav) from the cell, if the 'weak' plasma is present, the GaNS plasma is supplied with energy (mag) and the virus does the same thing that would otherwise have happened to the cell. The virus is unloaded or 'depleted'.
The gradient between the energy levels of the plasma reactors determines the field flow. A higher potential difference results in a higher field flow.



Corona Virus (2019-nCoV)

- The corona virus has mutated several times, not only in the S and L variant, which the old science has now noticed. An amino connection to other organs, heart, nervous system, brain can occur.
- A few days after a healing and negative test, a new infection, usually of the heart or brain, can take place. The result is an abrupt death from a stroke or heartbeat. This is also confirmed from China, although the suspected cause is too simple.

According to Mr. Keshe, this virus is relatively easy to treat because it is a 1-strand virus.
We refer to the three areas of different human field strengths as 'physicality', 'emotions' and 'soul'. In other terminology, but with the same meaning, we also know body, soul and spirit. The 1-stranded Corona Virus combines to a field strength within the emotions. 1 connection.
The swine flu virus, see below, is 2-stranded and connects at the level of physicality AND to the level of emotions. This is more difficult to deal with and the principle can be studied in the references (look graphic) if interested.
The 'OneCup - OneLife' arrangement creates the environment / situation to create the right plasma field strength in the right energy level. This setup can be built by anyone without any noteworthy investments and is just a customized variant of the GaNS productions with which we have been working in plasma technology for several years.

So far so good, plasma science seems to have something ready for this case after Fukujima and swine flu in China. Even if effective or nationwide measures have so far not been possible for political reasons and economic profit-making of companies.

After these principles and experiences that I have mentioned, I come to a few ' possibilities ', from which we will see which manifest and which can be confirmed.
First of all, I would like to mention the possibility of connecting the Corona Virus with a 2-stranded, different virus, which was described in more detail in the 315th Knowledge Seeker Workshop of the Keshe foundation. From today's medical understanding, that would be a super meltdown.
As previously mentioned, Mr. Keshe conducted 3 studies in China to test these principles on swine flu and help thousands of pigs. See references for the excellent mode of action. That was autumn 2018 to January 2019.
At that time, many of the infected pigs were sold at low prices to the south before they died and were offered to consumers. After Mr. Keshe's experience with these viruses and his understanding of how the plasma interacts, he comes to the conclusion that a connection between these two viruses is possible and that the Wuhan area is suitable.
Whether that will be the case or not, or another virus will be involved, - the knowledge of the depicted relationships is a gift that I am happy to pass on in my words, as I understand it.


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The information in the graphic should be listened to by everyone interested in the topic. The graphic is a condensation and illustration. The explanations start at approx. 1h 23' and 2h 07' in the 315.KSWS.

Links to the Keshe studies 'swine flu':

- KF Plasma Times No. 6, Dec 2018
- KF Plasma Times No. 10, April 2019 (detailed report)

Herpes simplex virus, KF Plasma Times, No. 7, Jan 2019



This link between two viruses is one of the options.


Causes analysis, probabilities :

  • Link of the Corona virus with another 2-strand virus (possibly swine flu virus)
  • It is under observation whether it is a designed, tailor-made virus that is fatal to Asians only (has mutated).
    Update 02/26: "... designed, customized virus", statement "99% safe". (--> Upate 15.03.2020)
    • The mortality rate in Iran seems to be at least as high as in China. Iran and China, really? See below about USA. A third country with similar potential is mentioned: Italy. A large number of Italians today have Iranian DNA shares. This comes from the 'Roman-Persian Wars', 3rd century AD. - 628 AD. Relationships already existed from 92 BC. In these roughly 700 years, similarities of a genetic nature emerged, which now make the offspring equally susceptible to the virus.
      Since the Roman Empire was once huge in its area, there is great receptivity also in the whole west of Europe, as well as by emigrants e.g. in the USA.
  • If it is a tailor-made virus, is there any evidence that Bill Gates and the Rotschild family (etc?) bought a major patent and commissioned the development of the virus at MIT in America? Has to be clarified ...
    • Update 02/26/2020:
      1. Acquired patent by B.Gates: No. 10,130,701, a mutation of the infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), another form of the corona virus. Patent filed by Pirbright, funded by B.Gates.
      2. B.Gates commissions a study from the 'Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security', "Emergency preparedness in the event of a very serious pandemic" caused by a new type of corona virus. The project is called 'event 201'. Completed October 2019.


    • Update 03/15/2020:

    2015: Lab-made corona-virus from horseshoe bat shown to be possible. Cooperation with 'Wuhan Institute of Virology' .
    - 'Wuhan Institute of Virology' is completed. Level-4 laboratory, capable of the 'gain of function' method.
    - Prof. Francis Boyle: "Gain of function is DNA genetic engineering of a dangerous biological weapon substance".
    - ScienceDirect (March 2020): A scientific document (“Coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade”) identified: "gain-of-function for the 2019-nCoV for efficient distribution in the human population compared to other corona viruses."
    2017: The national ban (USA) for the production of deadly viruses has been lifted.
    2019: Cambridge University: "Bio weapon tailor-made for an ethnic group are possible"
    October: Event-201 conference (see update Feb. 26th, above)
    October: World military games in Wuhan
    November: Corona virus outbreak in Wuhan. Officially December 31st. Virus was first covered up in China.

    2020: 26.03. Microsoft (Gates) filed a patent:
    Patent No.: WO/2020/060606. This is 060606=666, also known as the number of the beast.
    666 refers to 'Revelation 16/17' from the bible:
    “ And HE causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." This is the 666.
    The patent is for a sensor IN or on the body, to mine a crypto currency and get payment by moving your body, as the sensor is connected to a server.
    You sure all understand how this is supposed to work, after vaccination with the nano chips in the vaccine ...

  • Are we dealing with an expansion of the existing trade, currency and cyber war between the USA and China? Bio weapon?
  • If so, will the masterminds be surprised if the mutated corona virus not only kills Asians but themselves?
  • Is it a coincidence that both B.Gates and the Rotschilds consider population depopulation to be necessary?
  • Bill Gates tells live on the TEDX-stage 'how his vaccination plan reduces the population'. An oldie but goldie from 2014!
    “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” - B.Gates
  • Is it a coincidence that the private secret service DEAGLE , which sells information to all larger countries, forecasts the following population figures:
    Switzerland 2025: 5.3 million (2017: 8.2 million)
    Germany 2025: 28 million (2017: 81 million)
    Austria 2025: 6.2 million (2017: 8.8 million)
    Italy 2025: 44 million (2017: 62 million)
    USA 2025: 100 million (2017: 327 million)
    CHINA 2025: 1.4 bil. (2017: 1.4 bil.) China the only country with the same population. A macabre joke / hint?

If you want to test the seriousness and accuracy of Deagle, you can start here . It is a Deagle report published by WikiLeaks to the US government on North Korea's military capabilities.

  • More concerning depopulation: Georgia Guidestones
    An unknown donor commissioned the questionable part in 1980 and it is still standing. Pay attention to the population.



When Mr. Keshe opens up more plasmatic insights into the field of viruses,
I will try to reproduce this on this page ...



About the beautiful things of this time

If you read this headline you might think 'what nice things? I only see and hear of danger, risk, death and doom everywhere. Although this is understandable if one only perceives the obvious and the foreground, it does not represent the wholeness, which always includes the underlying, invisible.

The obvious is what we perceive through our 5 body sensors and is processed by the intellect, influenced by feelings and the unconscious.

This perception, which is unfortunately usually the only thing that creates the picture of a reality for the individual, behaves like the proportion of matter in the universe compared to the total energy available in the universe. Even the dogmatically working science of today couldn't avoid giving the obvious (matter) only 10% of the total. In the absence of understanding for the non-obvious, for the underlying, the models of 'anti-matter' and 'dark matter' or 'dark energy' came up. In this context, 'dark' is only an indication of the limited understanding of that clientele.

Depending on where you read these lines, you may be wondering, why does something like 'dark matter' now occur as an analogy? This is because I am writing this article in connection with the new plasma technology of the 'Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute', which is based on a unified field theory, where the non-obvious AND the obvious are given their appropriate place.
'Antimatter' is named and understood here in the new science as 'Principal Matter'. Principal, Mainly, the principle behind the becoming-obvious. There is nothing anti at all. The universe in the big as in the small does not work on a principle of 'against / anti', but of together, as unity together. Only the mindset of those who both design the wrong models and name them according to this mistake is 'anti'. You are against 1000 things, against countries, against opinions. We are an 'anti society' with associated 'pro attitudes'. The effects of this mindset are those we know: warfare, selfishness, fear as a driving force, dissatisfaction etc. The 'anti (Matter)' is by no means anti to us, it is our principal, mainly.
For us, the 'knowledge seeker' of the Keshe Foundation, the 'dark matter' is the 'transition matter'. The transitional area that exists due to the existence of two others (matter / principal matter).
The third area, which we also call matter, is largely identical to the matter of ancient science. We are only aware that the observed particle appears as a particle only on this level through observation, but is in its nature a plasmatic field. This changes little in the perception, but much in the handling of it. A cattle is always a cattle, but if we understand it as a living being (field) the handling of it changes.

With this introduction to the beautiful, or that which is behind, I was able to give myself a little more space than I normally do, since presumably some of you will read this for once, and suddenly enough time to take in a longer text.
Perhaps because you are in quarantine, or if you are a parent, you are unexpectedly faced with the need to deal with them, or 'actually' want to. Or for one of the other reasons that the current change in daily routine entails.

We have already arrived at two of the beautiful things! Spend time with children and learn more from this text because you have time. It may also be another text, but you have the opportunity to dive deeper into what seems appropriate to you. And not only when there are government-mandated breaks (holidays) and you don't use them to overcompensate your dreary everyday life at the Maldives.

The examples of 'beautiful' things listed below need not be understood as a collection of individual things. But you can, and also in this case it is quite positive. But you can also understand that as a whole you are faced with a new potential of opportunities that you can use. Individually, according to your will and exercised in love.

The order of the points has no meaning.

  • You spend more time with your children or family. With quarantine, school closure etc. You learn more about them and also about yourself. Positive adjustments can be made.
    --> Perhaps, who knows, you will come to the conclusion that your child is with you for a specific reason, so that it can benefit as much as possible from what YOU can give. This would not be the indoctrination by knowledge mediator - robots, which in turn unwind their programmed knowledge and can be replaced endlessly. It is mainly about individual emotional or spiritual field strengths which is or would be used in the interaction with the children. We can clearly see what the lack of these field strengths in the children leads to, in its extremes on both sides. Withdrawing these vital field strengths and forcing them to be replaced by indoctrination with pseudo-knowledge follows a plan to create docile work slaves without intuition or feeling that increase the gross social product, go to war and will be selfish.
    If you can come to this insight through research, thinking and the next item in my list, use the potential! Once upon a time, we are no longer slaves, but self-determined and self-responsible! HA!
    More time that can be freely invested, according to your will. This is actually a human right for every day of his life. But most of the sheep have been successfully trained in letting others decide about their own lifetime.

Some possibilities:

  • Studies / practice in various areas of interest
  • Meditation / Yoga / Tai Chi / Fitness / Dancing
  • Painting / writing / handicrafts / decorating
  • Diet / time to cook with proper foods / learn to cook
  • etc.

Or as an American woman in quarantine, smiling to the CNN reporter said: “Every day feels like sunday!”

  • Another test, or a challenge is, to experience your skills and emotional side, under dynamic, unfamiliar circumstances. Odysseus is on his journey! Depending on the point of view and attitude towards the situation, we can behave as:

    a) Positive, constructive, energetic, inventive, happy, helpful
    b) Negative, demoralizing, sluggish, mourning, sad, becoming a burden

    I wish everyone that they can experience their reality in the awareness of a), even in these challenging times. Or specifically ton this time. A look at the things behind the obvious changes how I deal with the obvious, as I said.

Iranian Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seeker
work together positively and happily without fear


  • China has the best air quality in years. See the next point ...
  • Economy: A strategy of compromise is currently being implemented worldwide. The compromise between slowing the spread of the virus and the near-term collapse of the economy of each country. As we know, both die with compromise.
    The expected development of the pandemic, due to the joy of mutation of the virus, will soon from the main topic 'virus' shift to the topic of the collapse of the economy. This process will be greatly accelerated if the infection rate in the United States progresses. Even as the FED has been printing money in the US for some long time to deal with the huge debt, which has much increased since the virus, this will not help overall. And it's not supposed to. If we do not belong to one of the groups that benefit from it (egoism), we can easily agree to the following postulate:

„What is built on a fraudulent / destructive principle
should not be supported
and must be removed as soon as possible using appropriate means“

I think this is common sense. Since you now have more time for research, as noted in point 2, and should not simply believe me, you have the opportunity to find out that the financial system is based on a fraudulent principle and that all its effects are destructive. We like some of the individual effects that are 'obvious' to be perceived as pleasant and 'consuming' them, but if we know the background, we cannot support this with our energy - I hope so;)
What you can find out is easily available, everywhere, clear. You just have to take some time and invest them. No, there is no 3.50 SFr. return. You do it for yourself, for understanding about the world. There are enough economists who are not on the payroll of universities and states that simply explain the fraud in an understandable way. So dear banksters, it's time to find a decent job. Reading aloud to older people or cleaning the streets would be a step in the right direction.
The strategy pursued in the introduction and cultivation of this financial system lies in the distribution of energy (time, work, well-being, money), from the mass of the sheep to the few who operate and support the system. In other words, 98% of people are said to be barely surviving due to ever increasing efforts such as second jobs or double earners in a family, while a few receive this energy and can use it for all other activities of a destructive nature. I do not go into more detail on those in between who, through stupidity, selfishness or a lack of ethos, offer themselves to the system operators as willing prostitutes for good payment.
So far, humanity has apparently been unable to stop this exploitation and fraud for the reasons mentioned. Does this little virus really have to do the work that a self-reliant person has to do? To let the financial system collapse, to let the huge pile of hot air called 'the markets' crash and to end all the bogus values ??and number shifting by FIAT money.
We had two crashes at the stock exchange within a few days, which activated the 'circuit breaker' at - 7%, the second time at -13%. This is nothing more than pulling the plug on the computers that carry out high-frequency trading autonomously. The algorithms that execute the purchase and sale in milliseconds response time are controlled by an AI and there is no influence except to interrupt the electricity. There have been several of these record slumps during this period and we can see how an AI, or more, has assessed the situation with incredible data input about world events.
We are here on a plasma page and it is your job to find the truth about business / finance, but let me mention a few cornerstones of the manipulation. This may also help with research:

1) The invention of the principle of guilt / the guilty by Christianity. Something like that does not exist. There is cause / effect.

2) Building on this, the principle of interest, in particular compund-interest. This is prohibited in Islamic countries and this correct attitude makes the West nervous.

3) Building on the interest rate, the psychopathic economists are now arguing their mantra of 'constant growth'. In nature there is constant growth only in cancer tumor. This grows constantly until the organism is dead.

The same goal of exploiting people to the point of annihilation follows the strategy of points 1 and 2, creating the prerequisites for the apparent necessity of point 3.
It is therefore a great pleasure to be able to leave this behind, even if we were too lazy and to much spoiled.

  • War drills have been discontinued. Barracks cleared. Arms trade is declining. You are more concerned about survival rather than killing.
  • Popular - sports and their events. Its gone. Corrupt authorities like FIFA, which market the sport and follow the same system as described in 'Economy'. Get up, play, or watch others do it. Independently, that works! Are you sad that a game was canceled? Meet up with some friends and kick it! Also works to virus times and is more fun!
  • Schools are closed. Another manipulative system that is switched off and, as described above, serves to transmute the emotionally undersupplied and insecure children to willless working sheep. Children are no longer tied to a chair for hours every day to make them system-compatible. Parents and family again have the opportunity to accompany and support their children as they grow up. Teaching staff can reflect on what they can do with their time for a better.
    Happy children with child-friendly activities everywhere.
  • Mass transportation of people and goods. The vast majority of air travelers jet around the world to maximize profits and promote growth and expansion. Likewise, cheap airplane gasoline, along with the fuel of large ships, is the most polluting to the atmosphere. The ships' fuels are not even cleaned of the soil's own radioactive radiation, which is released into the environment through combustion.
    Goods are imported from all over the world through these means of transport, even if they existed or could be produced in their own country. You know the reason, maximize profits and promote growth by exploiting low wage countries and their resources. The failure of this artificially created profit system lets us see which elementary parts we have lost for personal responsibility. You also know where the course to that has been set ...

This list of topics and areas is individual for everyone and can be continued for a long time. However, I come to the end of this posting.
Even if the somehow hidden, not obvious, of which I have given a few examples can be seen positively, the obvious is of course a great challenge and not easy to get through.
If we imagine a birth process as an analogy, that which is perceived through our senses and emotionally perceived appears as an undesirable state. Behind it, and not obviously noticeable so far, the manifestation of life is taking place, a very nice process, isn't it? The pain and the obstacles that go with it are part of the way, so that something new can arise and experiences can be gained.

Despite a positive attitude, we must have empathy to understand people who, through a purely materialistic world view, only have contact with the obvious. We will also master this challenge if we act as 'One Nation - One Planet - One Race', as big human family.
